
fun Reader.process(dispatchers: DispatcherProvider = DefaultDispatcherProvider): List<RisRecord>

Converts the RISFile lines provided by the Reader as receiver into a list of RisRecords. May throw an IOException if the reader fails to deliver lines or a KRisException if the lines cannot be parsed successfully.

fun File.process(dispatchers: DispatcherProvider = DefaultDispatcherProvider): List<RisRecord>

Converts the RISFile lines in the File provided as receiver into a list of RisRecords. May throw an IOException if the file cannot be read successfully, or a KRisException if the lines cannot be parsed successfully.

fun String.process(dispatchers: DispatcherProvider = DefaultDispatcherProvider): List<RisRecord>

Converts the RISFile lines from the file with the path provided as receiver into a list of RisRecords. May throw an IOException if the file cannot be read successfully, or a KRisException if the lines cannot be parsed successfully.

fun InputStream.process(dispatchers: DispatcherProvider = DefaultDispatcherProvider): List<RisRecord>

Converts the RISFile lines provided by the InputStream as receiver into a list of RisRecords. May throw an IOException if the stream cannot be read successfully, or a KRisException if the lines cannot be parsed successfully.