Package-level declarations
is the object at the core of the KRis library. If provides a number of accessor methods to Java Clients that offer to convert String
s to RisRecord
s or vice versa, in different flavors of data input, non-blocking usage kotlin flows or RxJava observables or in a blocking manner accepting lists.
offers a number of handy extension functions to kotlin clients.
List of the names of all RisTags.
Converts a list of Strings (representing lines in a RIS file) (as receiver) itno a list of RisRecords. May throw a KRisException if the line list of Strings cannot be parsed successfully.
Converts a flow of Strings (representing lines in a RIS file) (as receiver) into a flow of RisRecords. May throw a KRisException if the line flow cannot be parsed successfully.
Converts a sequence of Strings (representing lines in a RIS file) (as receiver) into a sequence of RisRecords in a blocking manner. May throw a KRisException if the line flow cannot be parsed successfully.